460,800 Dead
The firmest estimate I can find of the number of the world's poor is 3 billion. If they continue dying at the rate of one every three seconds, I calculate that the world would be free of poor people by the year 2291.
1. Through the media, blame this section of the public for the ills that befall your country.
2. Discourage your citizens from buying from these people. (see pic below)
3. Have events (theatre, cinema, meetings) from which the target people are excluded.
4. Make films deliberately showing them unfavourably.
5. Mark the target people as separate with badges of identity (also note their facial features, hair type or skin colour).
6. Remove them from society.
7. Exterminate them.
"The United States and all Americans are currently under attack from enemies based on foreign soil. We are faced with daily acts of terrorism that make the bombing of the Murrah building in Oklahoma City or the World Trade Center in New York pale by comparison. With the cost to Americans reaching more than $50 billion annually and thousands of lives lost each year, it is clear that the greatest threat to the security of this nation, is drug abuse and the crime, violence and social ills that accompany it."
Ronald E. Brooks, May 13, 1999
from Bhagavad-Gita."Wanting things breeds attachment;
from attachment springs covetousness,
and covetousness breeds anger.
Anger leads to confusion
and confusion kills the power of memory.
With the destruction of memory,
choice is rendered impossible,
and when moral choice fails
man is doomed."