UK Citizens Beware!
How are you going to be treated by the authorities when you haven't got your identity card to hand? Let me predict. You're going to be treated like a criminal.
As a portent of things to come, I received this letter, reprinted below, from the TV Licensing authority. It is NOT mandatory for every home to have a TV licence, but from reading this letter you'd think it was.
I don't have a TV. I got pissed off years ago with waking from a doze on the sofa at midnight, with a blurry head and recollection of a wasted evening from which I could remember nothing. Then, in that dozey state, having to take the dog out in the cold air for what should have been a walk, but was only going to be a shit on account of me wanting to be in bed.
So I don't have a TV (I don't have a dog now, either).
I object to the whole tone of this letter. It is threatening and conceited. Intimidating, even. It is the bullying tone of someone who feels he has power over another. But he does not: he has no power over me whatsoever. I am not in his class; not in his school; not in his province or world.
This letter takes no account of anyone without TV: it does not even acknowledge that as a possibility. Just image if this were a compulsory matter - as identity cards will be.
I have no great objection to identity cards as such. But, unfortunately, they are going to give power to someone - and I now see what sort of treatment for citizens ('subjects') that is likely to result in.
The letter reads:
As a portent of things to come, I received this letter, reprinted below, from the TV Licensing authority. It is NOT mandatory for every home to have a TV licence, but from reading this letter you'd think it was.
I don't have a TV. I got pissed off years ago with waking from a doze on the sofa at midnight, with a blurry head and recollection of a wasted evening from which I could remember nothing. Then, in that dozey state, having to take the dog out in the cold air for what should have been a walk, but was only going to be a shit on account of me wanting to be in bed.
So I don't have a TV (I don't have a dog now, either).
I object to the whole tone of this letter. It is threatening and conceited. Intimidating, even. It is the bullying tone of someone who feels he has power over another. But he does not: he has no power over me whatsoever. I am not in his class; not in his school; not in his province or world.
This letter takes no account of anyone without TV: it does not even acknowledge that as a possibility. Just image if this were a compulsory matter - as identity cards will be.
I have no great objection to identity cards as such. But, unfortunately, they are going to give power to someone - and I now see what sort of treatment for citizens ('subjects') that is likely to result in.
The letter reads:
TV Licensing Officers will soon be visiting NameOfMyStreet
Dear Owner/Occupier,
We have caught 764 evaders in your area in the last three months alone
Despite sending several reminders, we note that your address is still unlicensed.
Over the past three months, my Enforcement Officers have caught 764 evaders in your area. Your address will be amongst the next set of unlicensed properties to be visited by the NameOfMyTown Enforcement Team.
Using television receiving equipment without a valid licence is against the law. If my officers suspect that an offence has taken place, you may be cautioned or interviewed in compliance with the Police & Criminal Evidence Act 1984. This interview could then be used for the purposes of prosecution.
If you are using a television illegally, there is now a very real chance you could be taken to court and fined up to £1,000. In order to remove your address from our visit list. I strongly advise you to call 0000 000 0000 and speak to one of our operators about your TV Licensing requirements. Your licence can be purchased over the phone by debit card or Direct Debit. Alternatively, you can pay online at
If you have recently bought a licence, please accept my apologies and ignore this reminder.
Yours faithfully,
Ross McTaggart
TV Licensing Enforcement Manager
Please see below for how to pay and reverse for important TV Licensing information, including exclusions.
A TV Licence currently costs £126.50 for colour and £42 for black and white.
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