Tuesday, April 25, 2006

At the Crossroads

When you don't know whether to go up or down, it's time for a radical rethink.

We seem to be getting closer to a rational approach to dealing with drugs: the need for truth is becoming unavoidable. But, inevitably, when you're trying to clear away the old rubbish you will stumble upon sticky bits.

Heads you lose, tails you don't win

Testimony given before a government committee on the UK drugs classification system achieved this anomaly:
Magic mushrooms shouldn't be in class A, the same as heroin; but if we move 'shrooms' down to a lower class it might encourage use.

Crystal meth is listed as class B, though it's highly addictive and dangerous; but to move it up to class A would make it desirable for users and so stimulate demand.
What a dilemma: whether to reveal the truth or manipulate it.
Old habits die hard.

Image 2006 R deCinabre. Use freely.


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