David Ray Griffin in London to Speak on 9/11
From today's Guardian:

"Two days before the fifth anniversary of the attacks, David Ray Griffin, emeritus professor of philosophy of religion and theology at Claremont graduate university, and author of The New Pearl Harbor and The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions, will ask his audience: 'Was 9/11 an inside job?'If you can't make it to London's Conway Hall to hear him tonight, you can hear him here on Google Video.
The theories as to what happened on that day, when almost 3,000 people were killed, differ but their unifying theme is that a neo-conservative cabal within the US government staged the events as a pretext to wage wars, become a dominant force in the world and establish "the new American century". The attacks, it is said, were not carried out by al-Qaida terrorists but were a 'false flag' event used to justify invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq."
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