'An Orwellian Pantomime'

The video also highlights the 'Inquiries Act 2005', which means that enquiries are controlled by the very people they should be investigating. It has been described as 'the Public Enquiries Cover-Up Bill'. Here's how it goes -
Inquiries Act 2005To see how this works in practice, take a look at the Report of the Official Account of the Bombings in London on 7th July 2005.
4. Appointment of inquiry panel
(1) Each member of an inquiry panel is to be appointed by the Minister by an instrument in writing.
(2) The instrument appointing the chairman must state that the inquiry is to be held under this Act.
(3) Before appointing a member to the inquiry panel (otherwise than as chairman) the Minister must consult the person he has appointed, or proposes to appoint, as chairman.
Of course, if you watched the video on the previous post, '9/11: Press for Truth', you'll already have seen how this kind of inquiry works in practice.
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