Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Looking down the barrel of a Smoking Gun

9/11 experts debunked. A new 9/11 video, released 15th September 2006, answers the 'explanations' put out by the experts who have tried to debunk 'Loose Change'.

The new video: 9/11 Mysteries.

The images above, taken from the film, show:
At left. A 'shape charge'. This is how explosive is fastened around a steel girder to cut it through. The angled cut is used so that the cut girder will slide down.

At right: Part of a core column left standing after the collapse of the WTC. The hardened once-liquid metal is a symptom of thermite use.
If you don't think it was possible for anyone to have been able to set up such a system of explosives, you'd better watch the video.


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